Tuesday, August 19, 2008

36 Weeks

Wow, it's hard to believe that I only have 4 more weeks! This summer has just flown by. I have had a few weird craving lately including chocolate milk, and sausage - I could eat it by the spoonful...
I also can no longer see my feet while standing. Not that I would call them feet, they are swollen beyond recognition. It will be nice to have ankles again.


Crista Timothy said...

I feel so bad for your little feet! I cant believe that you only have 13 days left. I bet you are getting so anxious! Keep me posted when she gets here!

Anon said...

Hi Kim, I found your blog on facebook. Your feet bring back memories! You poor thing. Mine never swelled except for this last one, it was like walking on watermelons! I cant wait til she gets here.